Thursday, August 24, 2017

Bryce Korf: Class Introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Bryce Korf. I have become over my last seven years at Washburn, sort of a Topeka native. That's right, I said seven years, I haven't been enrolled in classes all seven years due to financial aid issues, but I've been lurking around, mostly in the theater. Until I moved to Topeka, I lived in McPherson county, jumping from Lindsborg to Marquette, and back to Lindsborg when high school rolled around. If you don't know where either of those places are, I usually say "Around Salina", and people know the general location.

My major here at Washburn is Theatre, focusing mostly on the technical side, though I do enjoy the acting side as well. When I started at Washburn I planned on double majoring in Theatre and Mass Media, but decided to just make it one of my two minors, the other of which is studio art. I always wanted to work on movies when I was younger, writing scripts in my spare time, and acting them out around the family farm. But when I got to college, I fell in love with the design aspect of Theatre, so that is where I decided to aim my focus.

I didn’t really have a particular reason why I chose Washburn. I originally went to DeVry in Kansas City to study Web Graphic Design, but left after a month because I had passed out of all my classes and found myself bored without theatre in my life. So I moved home and worked for a year, then choose to come to Washburn over Emporia after seeing their production of Rent.

Once you get to know me, it will be no secret that I am a HUGE nerd. I work at Gatekeeper Hobbies, a local comic book store, and run a cosplay company, Emerald Cosplay, with my beautiful fiancé. I also have a half sleeve of Green Arrow and Black Canary that is original art by the artists who drew my very first comic book, who I am now very good friends with. Ask me to see it, I will gladly show it off.

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